Best Dating Apps For Late 30s Average ratng: 8,2/10 5220 reviews
  1. Dating In Late 30s
  2. 30s Dating Sites
  3. Best Dating Apps For Late 30s 2019

Free to sign up, then choose from one of four options for membership to communicate: A three-day trial for $6.57, one month for $39.99, three months for $24.99 per month, or six months for $18.99 per month. Best Free Online Dating Over 50. But you have a wide choice of free dating apps to a premium dating service, like EliteSingles. Finding and meeting real people is now more accessible with access to the best dating apps and matchmaking algorithms out there! That’s a wrap on the honest truths about dating in your 30s. And as promised, it’s not all doom and gloom.

I can't claim to be an expert on finding true love, but I know one thing for certain — dating app skills are a must-have when you're looking for that special someone. If you’ve been single anytime in the last few years, chances are you’ve dabbled in app dating (or at least watched over your friend’s shoulder as she swiped through her Tinder matches). I’ve always found that world a bit daunting, but I have friends who seem to know just how to craft the perfect message or snag that great first date. I'm often asking for their best dating app tips, and they've helped me spruce up my profile and think smarter about who I'm swiping right on. Honestly, it’s improved my success rate.

Dating In Late 30s

As a woman in my 20s, I know my dating app profile is super important. It’s great to have the ability to meet so many people with just a swipe of the thumb, but it can also feel super overwhelming at times! Many women are pros at navigating dating apps with ease, and I knew they’d have tips to share about how they find great prospective partners. With a little practice (and some insider knowledge from these ladies), you can become a certified expert at dating online. Open up your profile and get ready to swipe right, because you’re about to feel more confident than ever.

I always ask people their top three songs — music is super personal, and you can see where their heads are at. Like this one guy, all his music was super dark and creepy, and I was like, 'pass!' even though his pic was super cute.

— Haley, 24

Don’t be afraid to be the first to reach out!

— Valerie, 24

Mention one to two things that are really easy for anyone to comment on (tacos, beer, The Office) and one to two things that are much more obscure but very important to you (your favorite book/movie/etc.) That way, almost anyone has something to talk about when they message you—but if someone shares your super obscure passion, you know immediately you have someone really great.

— Victoria, 24

Be straight up with the person you’re talking to! If you don’t tell them you’re only looking to hook up, they’re not going to know that. Same goes for the opposite!

— Patty, 24

My bio includes the line, 'BTW, don't worry, that's not my girlfriend in the third pic.' I put it in because it’s funny, and it gets people to swipe through my pictures! It’s also a little surprising, so hopefully it makes an impression. If you're funny and weird in real life, don't be afraid to be funny and weird on Tinder, too.

— Julia, 20

Check in with yourself about if you are wanting to really meet people from there. If you do, great, get swiping! Hone in on one or two people to talk with, and make your plans one you’ve talked for a bit. If you don’t really want to meet people, consider what you want before logging in and swiping, because I found that this is what burnt me out on dating. I got really exhausted because I was always swiping and talking and going on a date here and there, because I didn’t check in with myself to really understand what I was looking for. Now that I do, they’re a helpful tool!

— Hannah, 23

Actually go on dates! The whole point of the app is a tool to meet people. I never understood why people would go on them just for attention and talk in circles but never meet. You have to be willing to put yourself out there and have that ‘get to know you’ convo in person, so be bold and be the first one to ask someone out after just a few exchanges. I got lucky and found someone great on a first date, but hey, if it’s horrible, you’ll have a great story to laugh with your girlfriends about after!

— Mackenzie, 23

The hell yes/no rule of thumb: If after a first date you aren’t saying ‘hell yes’ to a second date, then it’s a ‘hell no.’ He can be a perfectly nice person, but still not be your person. Reserve your energy and second dates for your person.

— Hillary, 26

Patience is key! More likely than not you are going to have to swipe and swipe and swipe for a good while. It can me exhausting, ego crushing, and truly a second job. You’ll go on some good dates and some 'what in God’s green Earth was I thinking' dates; however, it just takes the right, right swipe to change everything. Coming from experience (AKA currently seeing someone I’m excited about), apps can and do work! Just keep swiping!

— Caroline, 28

Don't take tips or advice too seriously. Don't worry and stress about, 'What kind of pictures do guys like? Does this make me sound weird?' Ultimately you want to find someone that likes you for you. So just be you and do what makes you happy!

— Morgan, 22

Best Dating Apps For Late 30s

What matters most is that you're putting yourself out there in a way that feels authentic. Every person has a different idea about what that looks like, and that's OK! You'll have the greatest success on dating apps (and dating IRL) when you're being fully yourself, regardless of what anyone else tells you to do. Take these tips to heart, and use them as you please — but at the end of the day, girl, you do you!


One of the best ways to find success in dating is to better understand the opposite sex. The more informed you are about what they want, how they act, and what gets their hearts pumping, the better equipped you are to find love.

Ladies, if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like dating in your 30s as a man, buckle up because we’re going to break it down for you today. We’re going to debunk some myths and give you the information you need to better understand the other side of the dating aisle.

The Truth About Dating in Your 30s as a Man

It Can Be Just as Frustrating

It can be tempting to think that dating in your 30s as a man is nowhere near as difficult as dating as a woman at any age. Men aren’t constantly hounded by their moms to have babies, don’t face the same societal pressures for marriage, and don’t have to deal with low-quality options, right? Wrong.

Believe it or not,dating in your 30s as a man means dealing with many of the same struggles that women do. Sure, there’re a few struggles that may be unique to each sex, but the major hot-button pressures and issues like baby clocks, marriage timelines, and sifting through less-than-stellar single options are struggles we have in common.

Best Dating Apps For Late 30s

Priorities Shift

For most men,there’s a natural shift that happens from around the time of our late 20s through our early 30s. Some might call it growing up or maturing, but we like to look at it more as a shift in priorities.

Instead of approaching the dating pool with a looks-first or looks-only attitude, men start to look more for substance, quality, and sustainability. While men are still visual creatures, we start to put a lot more weight into the categories that really should have mattered most from day one.

Does this mean that every man dating in their 30s has their head on straight when it comes to priorities? Of course not. But the large majority of men start to swing around and realign their dating focus.

30s Dating Sites

We Still Like the Cute Things

For some reason, society likes to make people think that men don’t like the cute and memorable things that happen in the early stages of dating. And society further wants you to think that dating in your 30s as a man means you’re even less interested in these things than you were in your 20s. The belief is that dating for men at this age becomes more transactional.

Ladies, we want you to know that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, you might not see us bragging on Facebook about the sweet love note you slipped into our lunch, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love it. You might not see us ranting to our buddies watching football about how you surprised us in the morning with breakfast in bed, but you better believe we can’t stop thinking about it.

One of the biggest things men dating in their 30s wish women knew was that we want the romance, the cuteness, and the memories just as much as you do. Some of us might not be as vocal about it, but don’t let society make you think we don’t enjoy romance.

Best Dating Apps For Late 30s 2019

Why This Information Should Matter to You

So, what can you do with this information now that you have a bit more insight into dating in your 30s as a man? Here’re some tips you can use moving forward.

Embrace the fact that you’re not alone in the dating struggle. Men in their 30s are feeling the same pressures as you from their friends, family, and society.

Be confident in who you are as a woman. Showcase what makes you special on the inside, and you’re going to have success finding a man that appreciates you for who you are. This doesn’t mean wear sweatpants and a wrinkled sweater out on a first date but know that men are looking for more than just what meets the eye.

Allow your romantic and fun side to stay involved in the dating process. There’s no need to rush the romance and come on too strong out of the gate. But when the time is right, don’t be shy to have a little fun with your guy and do the cute things that you did when you were younger and dating. You might not get a grandiose gesture of thanks but us men still enjoy those things.

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